piątek, 29 sierpnia 2014


"This time she's gonna live to work, she's not working to live."

 Sabina(Sabine) Brown.
19 lat. 

"They say bad things happen for a reason
   But no wise words gonna stop the bleeding"

                                          " I trusted a moment, haven’t thought this through
                                     Thousand pieces of our own love, they will never bloom"

James Maslow.
21 lat .
"Second chances aren’t here no more
I used all of those very long time ago."

                                               " Not for what I said but for what I didn't say."
                                                                     Carlos Pena.
                                                                          22 lata.
                           "A lie can be hal­fway round the wor­ld be­fore the truth has got its boots on. "

                                                              Logan Henderson.
                                                                    22 lata.
                                         "Tomorrow's never promised so I started living for today."


Kendall Schmidt.
21 lat.
" They don’t know about the things we do
They don’t know about the I love you’s
But I bet you if they only knew
They will just be jealous of u"

                                                                    Lilly Brown.
                                                                         6 lat.
                                                         "So if you have to leave,
                                               Promise that you take me with you there."

                                                            Thomas Brown.
                                                                  22 lata.
               "Never fear shadows, for shadows only mean there is a light shining somewhere near by."

                                                                     Laura Malone.
                                                                         19 lat.
                                   "I prefer the sign: "No entry", to the one that says: "No exit".

                                                                     Paul Braun.
                                                                        43 lata.
                                                "Experience is not what happens to a man.
                                            It is what a man does with what happens to him."

                                                                     Alex Evans.
                                            " Happiness is the by - product ov an effort
                                                    to make someone else happy"

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